Monday, August 24, 2009

"Obama's Team Is Lacking Most of Its Top Players"

So, i just read an article in which it explains that Obama's team isn't as strong as its supposed to be. He does not have the right people enacting programs that are essential to his mission. He's trying to fix the financial markets but he does an assistant treasury secretary for the markets. He is spending tons of money of transportation but he doesn't have an inspector general to watch how he is spending the money. He is even fighting two wars and he doesn't have an Army secretary. No one is running the Agency for International Development since Hillary Clinton was sent to Africa to talk about international development. No offence to the decision to send her away but, aren't the people of the United States living on the streets and families losing their houses to foreclosure? People are not being able to make rent or just barely being able to pay it every month. Shouldn't we focus more on bettering ourselves and then worry about other people internationally? I mean there are early appointees that are 7 MONTHS into the new presidency and they are already leaving their positions. This is really disappointing considering the fact that he is supposed to save us from this recession, but maybe we are just asking too much from one person.

Any Obama fanatic have a comment on how he is working things out? Is he doing what you thought he would do? Or is he doing the opposite.

1 comment:

  1. I've disagree that Obama's team lacks power. The first African American president made history and still is going to make history. His cabinet is really strong and he is working really hard to get to every single issue even if that is not possible. Obama is doing a great job and if he keeps on still working really hard to get issues cover.
