Monday, August 24, 2009

Obama Administration creates new Interrogation Unit

President Obama created a new unit of specialized individuals to deal with interrogation and to focus on key terror suspects. The group will be called High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group The CIA has been part of the interrogation area for a long time and there have been accusations of terrorist abuse. The question that I have is, is it fair to create another group that is under white house supervision while the CIA is still up and running? I mean wouldn't it cause tension in creating 2 groups that work in the same field? There reason i'm saying this is because it has always been human nature to want to compete with others, and there will probably be competition here. The Obama administration also banned the Bush's administration harsh treatments for interrogating terrorists, such as waterboarding (a form of torture in where the person is immobilized with his head inclined downwards while water is being poured on their face making them believe they are drowning). The group will be created on the same day the Justice Department is set to release a report on the alleged prisoner abuse.

Final question: So is the CIA good or bad? They're interrogating suspected terrorists but the prisoners are being abused. Should we trust the CIA is doing more good than bad?

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