Friday, November 20, 2009

Sears Tower!

"The leader of a group which plotted to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago has been sentenced to 13-and-a-half years in prison."

Prosecutors finally sentenced the man who conspired to send material to Al-Qaeda and also bomb the Sears Tower in Chicago. Prosecutors fought for the maximum 70 year sentence but unfortunately only got the 13 and a half year sentence. He was caught on tape and video saying that he wanted to star a "full ground war" to "kill all of the devils". Even after saying that he still went on to say that he only said that to seize the 50,000$ that the undercover FBI agent offered him. He claimed that he normally wasn't a violent person and that he only wanted respect from his country. He also had the audacity to say that he had taken absolutely no steps to wage war. I don't even know how he would even think of saying that when the FBI and the court have video and audio of him saying that he wanted to kill all the devils. His lawyer also said that the authorities overreacted and that the men had no chance of completing their plan. The lawyer also said that there was no danger present in the United States and there was no intention for war. Sometimes i really wonder if lawyers have a soul. If there is a man who is caught with undeniable evidence, how can you even defend him? This case was a great step into stopping extremist activity and it was a great find and arrest.

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