Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Obama shelves Europe missile plan"

There have been concerns and some tension that has surfaced between Europe and Iran. Enough attention has been drawn to the situation that president Obama wants to take action to protect the US.'s allies. Mr. Obama said that what he was planning on doing is to build aerial and sea-based interceptors to protect Europe from short and medium ranged missiles from Iran. Russian leader Dmitry Medvedev said that it was a very responsible move on part of the US. President. Obama stated in a live TV address he wanted to create a defence system that wasn't a threat to anyone, he just wanted to protect protect his allies from any kind of missile attack, more specifically the missiles from Iran. An iranian Government official stated that the missiles are only being used for scientific purposes, there was no intention of any harm to anyone and that there was no warfare involved. Unfortunately Obama ended up scrapping his idea because it would cost-effective and it would help out the economy in any way. I thought it might have been a good move by the President to be supportive toward the countries allies. He could have showed his interest to protect his allies but he also has other problems to deal with other than protecting other people. A defence system was to be created by the end 2012 but it just isn't the right time to create such a big project when the US.'s economy is down the drain.

1 comment:

  1. Obama's plan would of work out and it will protect his allies. I agree that if the defense system doesn't help the U.S economy in any way he shouldn't take the step and continue with his plan. Protecting the allies is important but the real issue is the U.S. economy. First internal improvents should take in consideration. When we helped ourselves then we can help the allies.
