Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Big week for Obama at UN"

Obama's venture into the annual meet-and-greet fest known as the UN General Assembly this week is going to be a tough situation considering all of he subjects ad issues he address. This speech will test the high expectations he has set internationally and will set the tone for his next years in service. In Iran president Obama has to deal with the problem of the country and its over enrichment in uranium which is used to make nuclear bombs. Obama is trying to partner up with russia and china to try and convince them to stop their enrichment. Iranian president claims there are no plans to stop because there is nothing o fear about them making nuclear bombs. He will talk about the climate change bill to come to an agreement with China's representatives to cut down on pollution considering the two biggest polluters to the earth are the Unites States and China. The issue with Russia about defence systems and the US will try to come to an agreement with Russia over that issue. Nuclear disarmament will be spoken of and President Obama is going to try and negotiate a ban on testing warheads and also wanting way ferwer nuclear warheads for the safety of everyone. The US needs to begin directs talks with the Middle-east and it will be a breakthrough for the US if they can achieve this task. Another major issue is the stimulus package and if they need to keep providing them to help civilians out of the recession or if they can ease off given that growth is coming back to some economies.
Hopefully everything goes well for Mr. Obama. It seems like a solid plan that can work out if everything goes as planned. Only time will tell.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

"Obama shelves Europe missile plan"

There have been concerns and some tension that has surfaced between Europe and Iran. Enough attention has been drawn to the situation that president Obama wants to take action to protect the US.'s allies. Mr. Obama said that what he was planning on doing is to build aerial and sea-based interceptors to protect Europe from short and medium ranged missiles from Iran. Russian leader Dmitry Medvedev said that it was a very responsible move on part of the US. President. Obama stated in a live TV address he wanted to create a defence system that wasn't a threat to anyone, he just wanted to protect protect his allies from any kind of missile attack, more specifically the missiles from Iran. An iranian Government official stated that the missiles are only being used for scientific purposes, there was no intention of any harm to anyone and that there was no warfare involved. Unfortunately Obama ended up scrapping his idea because it would cost-effective and it would help out the economy in any way. I thought it might have been a good move by the President to be supportive toward the countries allies. He could have showed his interest to protect his allies but he also has other problems to deal with other than protecting other people. A defence system was to be created by the end 2012 but it just isn't the right time to create such a big project when the US.'s economy is down the drain.

Friday, September 11, 2009

"US ready for North Korea direct talks"

-Tested 2 Nuclear weapons in 2003 after they withdrew from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty
-Six party system: N.Korea, S. korea, russia, US, japan, china
-Talks to disarm have stalled.
-North korea tests nuclear weapons
-US wants to hold direct talks with North Korea
-Stopping nuclear testing and getting rid of them.

In 2003 North Korea withdrew from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, which served to stop all countries that would sign the treaty to get rid of all nuclear weapons. Instead, they continued to test all of their nuclear weapons. The US, Russia, China, S. Korea, N. Korea then began to negotiate to stop N. Korea from developing their weapons,however talks have stalled and north korea is in no mood to negotiate. In order to persuade N. Korea to stop building and testing their weapons the US wants to have direct talks with the Six Party System. They want North Korea to come back and keep communications with the six countries that were originally together.

Judging from the facts presented from the article I dont think that this is going to work at the moment. North Korea seems like its under unstable leadership because the leader makes rash assumptions, unclear decisions, and seems to be clouded by the violent historical relationship between North and South Korea. North Korea believes that the South and its ally the US are creating military threat and therefore are "arming and protecting" themselves. I see that the US talking to North Korea will not solve anything because in the Norths' point of view the US is the enemy. I see no point in arming yourself to the extent of testing nuclear weapons overseas and simply claiming that your "protecting" yourself. North Korea is a ticking timebomb and it is very concerning for them to think the US is the enemy and to be testing nuclear weapons. This is a very delicate situation because the US is at war, in huge debt, and it can't afford to go into another war. It would be a complete disaster if they decide to use those weapons because they are holding a grudge from historical events that happened hundreds of years ago. There is no evidence the the South and the US are threatening them but for now all we can do is wait and see if they accept the direct talk with all 6 countries.

Friday, September 4, 2009

"Could George W. Bush end up behind bars?"

The Obama Administration is finally taking its first steps that could lead to For president George W. Bush's arrest. CIA Agent Peter Brookes says that this situation could go to a very high level in the government. This case will mostly focus on whether the CIA exceeded their instructions and broke the law. This includes threatening with a gun or any type of weapon. This case will of course take a very long time and people are definitely going to be nervous in the white house during the investigation if they're guilty. Hopefully this does turn out to be true and the Bush administration is guilty for doing this because from all of the pictures and all of the evidence, it seems as if they were breaking the law. The pictures of waterboarding and making the prisoners endure humiliating positions and threatening them with dogs seems like breaking the law to me. If Bush ends up going to jail of course people are going to be angry for that happening, but it will probably be the right thing to do considering the people's lives that he knew were being destroyed.